A Level Taster Lessons Mon 11-Fri 22 May

Please select your lessons via the Google Form - link below. You should use these sessions to confirm your subject choices and start your A Level preparations or to try out other subjects - or have a last, lovely time with subjects you're going to miss! There will be an induction day for Brighton Girls next term, as usual, but these A Level taster lessons are for all of us - regardless of where you are going next year or what subjects you are going to take. The sessions will be full of exciting content but they are also part of our ongoing programme to stretch and challenge, develop your study skills and prepare you for life beyond Year 11 - beyond sixth form even... Enjoy!

You'll see on the Google Form that each subject also has the Google Meet code you will need to access the session. Each subject is offering THREE different sessions - sign up for and enjoy all three if you can, but one or two if you can't. Don't forget: there will also be the brilliant B-Bacc electives running during these weeks and you'll find out all about these in the week beginning Monday 4 May.

Use this link to access the form. Sign up for A Level taster lessons by Wednesday 6 May.

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